Join the movement of churches ensuring childcare for healthcare workers.


Most churches have re-opened. Below is a list of network churches and what they are doing

Alliance Church:  Opened 6/14 for worship. Masks are encouraged. Seating is set to allow for distancing. Children’s and youth programming and Wednesday evening prayer meeting all via ZOOM.
Antioch Church:  Drive-In service 9 a.m. Main inside worship 11 a.m. with temps taken and masks required. Child care RSVP during 11 a.m. service.
Boones Creek Baptist: Services at 8:30 & 10:30 a.m. (facebook live with 10:30). :30 Drive Thru service; 11am Facebook Live. Sunday evening: 6:30 pm: evening worship. Wednesday evening: 6:00 pm drive through prayer time.
Boones Creek Christian Community Center: Open with 6-foot SD encouraged, masks are also encouraged and they request that you bring your own sanitizer. Sunday service in person at 11 a.m (live-streamed). Wednesday at 7p.m.
Bread of Life:  Reduced attendance at services and service time shortened. Using Eventbright for RSVP’s. Sanitizer available and masks provided and required. Using indemnity forms (hold harmless) which all attendees sign. No kids at this time. Encouraging online giving and have an offering bowl in church. Continuing to stream service online.
Bunker Hill Christian: Sunday service at 11 a.m. RSVP for only the first 50 people. Masks strongly recommended.
Celebration:  Saturday evening service 6:30 p.m.(live-streamed) Sunday services at 9:30 (live-streamed) and 11:15 a.m. Nursery and children’s classes are happening. Masks and social distancing encouraged.
Central Baptist: Sunday morning services at 9:00 am (modern worship experience) and 11:00 am (classic worship experience). Attendance for each service will be limited. Masks and social distance recommended.
Central Christian J’boro:  Meeting Sunday mornings at 10:30am. Masks are required as well as social distancing; bible study/small groups happening in homes; Wednesday evening prayer meetings via ZOOM.
Christ Reconciled Church:  Sunday morning services at 10:30 (live-streamed). Social distancing and masks recommended.
Cokesbury UMC: meets in-person at the Three Rivers United Methodist District Office for Adult Bible Study at 9:15 Sundays, with Worship and Children’s programming at 10:30.  Youth meet Wednesdays at 6:00.
Concordia Lutheran Church (Kport): Meeting on-site for Sunday worship at 10:30am and Wednesday evening at 7pm. Services also live streamed. Children/Sunday School on-site on Sundays at 9am.
CrossLife Church: Sunday services at 9:00 am (masks only) and 10:30 am (masks optional). Social distancing encouraged.  (no children’s church)
Faith Miracle Santuary: Service: 11 a.m. masks required. Social distancing. Temperature checks and COVID-19 screening upon entry. Monday night prayer and Wednesday night prayer and Bible study is conference call. Individuals interested can call for more information.
First Christian Church: Begining Sunday, Dec 13th through Jan 3rd morning services will be virtual. Planned return to live indoor services on Jan 10th. Continuing to plan for in-person Christmas Eve services at the church in their “Christmas Park” rain or shine — outdoors in good weather and indoors in bad weather.
First UMC: No onsite worship or gatherings due to increased COVID concerns. Weekly Sunday messages available online through church website, Fabebook or YouTube.
Grace Bible Church (Bristol): Sunday services at Summit Companies in Bristol at 10:45 a.m. Masks required in the building except when in seats. Service live-streamed on Facebook
Grace Fellowship Church (JC): Services onsite (limited capacity) – 9:15 and 11am. RSVP is requested and masks are required. Children’s Sunday programming available with RSVP. Online access to services still available. Hosting the area group Re:Generation on Mondays. Doing weekly 5-minute video devotionals emailed to members.
Grace Fellowship Church (Kingsport): Services onsite at 9am & 10:45. Limited seating for distancing. Masks encouraged. Marked interior directional movement.
Grace Free Will Baptist:  Services at 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. on Sunday evenings. Masks are optional and seating is spaced out. Live stream services are available online. No communion and offering happening online or through onsite boxes.
Grace Temple:  Meeting outside as weather permits. School activities happening via ZOOM and bible study via Facebook live.
Grandview Christian (Buffalo Campus):  All services are live-streamed only through January 3rd on the church’s website or Facebook or YouTube due to the current level of COVID spread in our area. All in person meetings have been suspended.
Grandview Christian (CityView Campus): One remote-only Sunday service at 9:30 am (livestreamed on the CityView YouTube channel/Facebook page).
Gravelly Baptist: Sunday service 10:00 am RSVP required (service live-streamed). masks required unless seated. Temperatures taken at door and social distancing observed. Children’s church and nursery will not be provided.
Hosanna Fellowship:  Open with SD and masks optional; no childcare currently.
Internt’l Christian Assembly:  Opened May 31st. Masks are required. Seating for SD, hand sanitizer available, no hand shaking or hugging.
Jubilee World Outreach: Service at 10am (posted on website also). Temperatures taken at the door and masks are required.
Kingsport Community Church: Began in person Novembers 1st
Lone Oak Christian:  Sunday service at 10:50 a.m. Masks required and provided. Social distancing observed.
Lynn Garden Baptist:  Sunday school at 9:45 a.m., worship at 11 a.m. Masks recommended. Social distancing observed. No children’s or youth activities.
Redeemer:  Services 9am, 11am, 5pm (RSVP required). Childcare available (RSVP required). Wristband system used for precaution preferences: Red = very cautious. No physical contact at all; Yellow = pretty cautious; Green = very relaxed.
Southwestern Baptist:  Services at 9:15 and 10:45 a.m; Wednesday 7:00 p.m. prayer meeting. Social distancing in sanctuary. Live stream available on website.
St. Mary’s: Opened May 25th for prayer services and Mass. Continuing to live stream on YouTube.
Tri-Cities Baptist: Open with RSVP only with 4 on-site gatherings: Saturday evenings 6:30pm, Sunday mornings at 8 & 9:35 & 11:15am. Online available.  Preschool on-site gatherings with RSVP at the 11am only. Masks strongly encouraged. Social distancing. All gatherings are “family services.” Kids worship guides are available outside the auditorium entrance for preschool, grades k-2, and grades 3-5.
Trinity Baptist: Sunday services at 8:00, 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. (children’s worship for 3 through 6-year old’s is available in the 11 a.m. service). Ask visitors to wear a mask and maintain social distancing.
Truth Fellowship: Meeting in person and live stream of a service available on their Facebook page.
University Parkway Baptist: Sunday services: 9:30 am – drive-in church, 10:30 am inside & live stream of service (children classes available only during this service), 11 am – drive-in church. Wednesday nights: 6:30pm – small groups. Wednesday night bible study live streamed at 6:30pm.
Westminster Presbyterian: Services in person at 8:45 a.m. (masks mandatory) and 11:00 a.m. (masks mandatory while standing up – can be removed when sitting down). Live stream available on Facebook and YouTube
Word Fellowship:  Open and meeting socially distanced each Sunday morning at 10:30am and Tuesday evenings at 7:15pm. Services also streamed on their Facebook page at the same times.